In this second instalment of the Cats of Katlyn series, Detective Lisa Crom has returned to Antrim County to solve a nagging problem with the closed case of Barry Newman Perkins when suddenly she, her tabby cat, Little One, seven-year-old Megan Simms, and their two animal friends are spirited away to the world of Katlyn. Lisa, who can also
hear animals communicating in her mind, must find a way to get Megan home to her parents, and soon they are greeted by mystical creatures like the Greenwolves of the Green Nation, the huge Panthers and their Neptunian riders, and massive honeybees known as the Beesive. Meanwhile, the menacing Ichneumon, Possessor of Souls has escaped his watery dungeon and is building another army of enslaved souls to destroy all that is good in the world. As a mixed group of unlikely heroes embark on their quest to find the Gray Cat’s Eye Stone, a bloody battle ensues. When young Megan is confronted by Ichneumon, the monster insect, in his primordial form, the magic of her blue eyes might be the only thing that can save her. |